The REN group works on the forefront of material science, engineering and nanotechnology, including materials-by-design, synthesis and processing, self-assembly, and advanced manufacturing of multifunctional materials with an emphasis on novel magnetic, electronic, optical, thermal and mechanical properties for emerging nanotechnologies. We are committed to realizing our vision by focusing on three main thrusts: (1) Materials design and assembly of strongly correlated electronic crystals for unusual magnetic, electronic and ferroic properties; (2) Lightweight bioinspired materials with thermal management – Superinsulation ceramic aerogels, and Thermally conductive polymers; (3) High-temperature printable materials and manufacturing of flexible hybrid electronics for use in extreme environments; (4) High energy product magnets and metal alloy conversion.
- “Composition Gradient Cellulose-Aerogel Nanocomposites Regulating Thermal Insulation” accepted by Small Science, July 20, 2023. July 22, 2023
- “Hierarchical Thermal-Conductive Polymer Nanocomposites for Thermal Management” accepted by Applied Materials Today, June 21, 2023 June 22, 2023
- “Pressure-controlled magnetism in 2D molecular layers” accepted by Nature Communications, June 2, 2023 June 2, 2023
- “Tailoring Biogenic Straw Insulation from Additive Manufacturing ” accepted by Applied Materials Today, May 23, 2023 May 23, 2023
- “Hierarchical Cellulose Superinsulation Membrane” accepted by Advanced Engineering Materials, May 9, 2023 May 9, 2023
- “Additive manufacturing of eco-friendly building insulation materials by recycling pulp and paper” accepted by Nanoscale Advances, April 6, 2023 April 6, 2023
- “Biogenic Straw Aerogel Thermal Insulation Materials” accepted by Advanced Eenineering Materials, March 20, 2023 March 20, 2023
- ”Stretchable Copper-Nanocellulose Paper Heater”accepted by Applied Materials Today, Jan 16, 2023 January 17, 2023
- “High-temperature oxidation-resistant printed copper conductors”accepted by Advanced Electronic Materials, Dec. 7 2022, December 8, 2022
- “Controlled growth and chemical engineering of FeSe-based superconducting films”, accepted by Advanced Physics Research, Nov. 24, 2022. November 28, 2022